Even Steven

Make multiple columns the same height and kill trapped white space.

Turn this...


Into this...


Add the Theme Logic library files to your Custom CSS/JS/Meta in your HL Admin.

  • JavaScript = https://theme-logic.github.io/Library/js/library.js
  • CSS = https://theme-logic.github.io/Library/css/library.css

Add this class to any of the items in the row to make sure they keep the same height.

  • tl-even-steven

This class to each section to turn any link that is in an H6 into a button:

  • btn-h6

Add this class to each section to drop the button to the even-steven bottom:

  • btn-btm

Add this class to each section to add divider lines between the sections:

  • dividers

When done, your CSS Wrapper Class will look like this...


And the section on your site will look like this...

Section 1

Praesent fermentum, mauris eu scelerisque malesuada, lacus sem pharetra metus, nec imperdiet metus metus in massa. Cras congue tempor molestie. Nulla facilisi. Integer condimentum lectus eu pharetra suscipit. Duis tristique gravida ligula et posuere. Morbi varius, enim at vestibulum suscipit, lorem enim rhoncus sem, vel condimentum eros felis nec justo.

Link Goes Here

Section 2

Nulla vitae arcu eu tortor tincidunt molestie imperdiet non enim. Curabitur efficitur ipsum a ligula tincidunt bibendum. Nullam finibus ante magna, ut vulputate nisl hendrerit sit amet. Aenean vel hendrerit justo, at iaculis ex. Donec vel nisl nec sapien sollicitudin tincidunt a at tellus. Maecenas non magna tempor, posuere enim sed, ultricies arcu. Mauris at nisl massa. Vestibulum porttitor lectus ut libero maximus, quis interdum augue laoreet. 

Link Goes Here

Section 3

Donec ut ligula felis. Nam dictum, neque ac hendrerit faucibus, dolor augue pretium libero, id fringilla risus sem sit amet ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec vel dolor vitae mauris rhoncus condimentum sed a augue. Vestibulum nec eros pellentesque, finibus libero vestibulum, tempus tellus. Vestibulum eget placerat elit. In vitae elit scelerisque, sagittis ex id, bibendum purus. In facilisis laoreet neque vel feugiat. Sed elit justo, viverra nec rhoncus sit amet, posuere at tellus

Link Goes Here